Des Moines Children Photographer - Nathan, Apryl, Mason, Jacob & Anna
Well it's about time I blogged isn't it? I'm very sorry for my lack of blogging lately..I have been super busy! (Not that that's a bad thing, of course!) On top of being so busy my children were sick with symptoms of what seemed like H1N1 (but tested Neg.) and that turned into pneumonia for my 1 year old, Lilia. She is doing great now and has hit a new milestone! She has just in the last few days started walking! I am super excited because now (hopefully) she won't be eating every spec she finds on the floor! :) She can also keep up with her big brother. Life is great right now. A couple bumps here and there but with Thanksgiving coming up we have a lot to be thankful for. My kids are healthy. My uncle just got back from his year long deployment in Iraq. He is home safe and sound and although we very much appreciated everything he and the other troops did, I would be lying if I said I didn't sigh a huge sigh of relief, as well as shed some tears! We are also thankful that in this horrible economy we both have jobs and a close loving family to help us through every downfall we may encounter. So, anyway, now that I have rambledon, let me get to my point! Photos! That's what you want to see, right?! :)
This is a family session I did about a week ago. They were great and the kids were adorable!
I am a part time photographer and full time home daycare provider. Ever since I can remember I have loved taking photos and I am so blessed to be able to do it as a career! I plan on doing photography full-time as soon as my kids are in school, but for now it is weeknights and weekends! I specialize in just about all types of photography ranging from weddings, maternity, newborn, children, seniors, engagements, boudoir and more! Just ask!
Check out my main website:
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